Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again

I can't believe that the end of the year is almost here.  I'm so excited for the break but I'm sad to say goodbye to my little kiddos.  Especially since my current 5th graders were my 2nd graders during my first year of teaching.  This will be the second time I will have to say goodbye to them! 

As I am preparing to say goodbye, I am also preparing my end of the year activities.  I have created 10 really fun end of the year/summer themed activities.  The activity packet can be found here.  

Here are some of the activities that can be found in the packet. You can find these activities individually in my TPT shop by clicking on the activity titles.

1.  Then and Now Activity- I love this activity.  My students really enjoy getting to compare how they were at the beginning of the year to how they are now.  They like seeing how much they've changed. 

2. End of the Year Advice- This is a really fun activity.  I give this to my students at the end of the year and then save them for my new students.  It gives a chance for the students to tell other students what to expect.  They love getting to give advice and the new students love reading what past students wrote.  

3.  Letter to My Teacher- This gives the students a chance to write a letter to their teacher at the end of the year.  I really enjoy getting to read these.  They make great mementos! 

4. Class Awards- My school does not have a yearbook! I have a yearbook from every single year of school.  I feel bad that my students don't have yearbooks so I try to have a few "yearbook" activities.  This has 15 different awards with two students for each award (30 awards total).  The awards include Best Laugh, Best Athletes, Best Artists, and more!

5. Autograph Pages- This goes along with the yearbook activities.  These pages allow students to gather autographs from their friends.  This is a great last day activity and they're FREE!!

That's all for now.  Good luck to everyone else preparing for the end of the year!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Biography Reports

This week has been completely crazy! We had biography report presentations amongst all of the testing and assemblies.  My students did AMAZING! I enjoyed listening to each presentation.  My students all had to dress up and have a prop.  Their costumes turned out so cute! I wish I could post pictures of how cute their costumes were this week.  However, I do have some pictures of the finished products!

The students first had to gather specific information on their outline cards.  They then turned each card into a a paragraph of their report.  It was time for the finishing touches after editing and typing! You can find the cards, checklist, and rubric I used in my store here.

Students had to find a copy of their person's signature or recreate a version of their signature. They also printed pictures of their person.

I also found this amazing website for creating timelines! Check it out here.

I think they turned out great! 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Grand Opening

Today is the Grand Opening of my Teachers Pay Teachers store! Okay, it might not be so grand but I'm still excited.  

I've been working on getting several products completed before starting to upload them.  It will be fun to get to share things I've done and loved with my classes. I hope others enjoy them as much as I did.  

We'll see how many things I can get up before the school year ends.  I'm starting to feel like I have too much to do in too little time.  I'm sure all those other teachers can relate! 

Check out my new store here